What is Quora?
Quora’s mission is to share and grow the world’s knowledge. It’s where you can read important insights that have never been shared anywhere else, from people you could never reach any other way.
Our community is unique, and that’s intentional.
People come to Quora actively looking for solutions before they make important decisions.
Unlike other social media platforms which users visit to pass time or connect with friends, Quora is purely established around demand-driven questions and answers. Your potential customers are on Quora asking questions about you, your competitors, or your products or services. It’s a great way to engage them and talk about your brand by simply answering questions.
Monthly visitors
Over 300 million monthly unique visitors come to Quora every month to ask questions and read answers.
Male:Female ratio
Diverse users come to Quora daily, seeking or sharing information, knowledge, and advice.
College degree
Quora users are highly educated. 30% have an undergraduate degree, and 20% have a graduate degree.
Unique topics
Quora has 300,000+ topics to explore and find subject areas in which to share your expertise.